South Manitou Lighthouse

The South Manitou Lighthouse from the water upon arrival after one of our early and poorly coordinated (read: stupid) crossings.  We actually saved most of the stupid for the return trip which had worse conditions and way more distance between the three of us such that we were effectively all… Continue reading

Lake Superior Provincial Park Fog

A shot from one of the little islands very near the start of our trip on Lake Superior Provincial Park.  I don’t know the names of any of the islands out there, or anything about them other than I like the fog rolling over them but apparently I wasn’t motivated… Continue reading

Waugoshance Lighthouse

I was told I should post some kayaking pictures.  The issue with kayaking pictures is that they often are taken with so-so cameras, prominently feature other people or aren’t taken by me and thus don’t fit the requirements for *my* daily photo.  But, there are some… This one is of… Continue reading

MSU Smokestack

If you turn about 120 degrees from yesterday’s picture, you can see the smokestacks of the T.B. Simon Power Plant including the MSU Smokestack.  This plant is still in operation today and provides most of the campus’ power.  If you happened to remember the Northeast blackout in 2003 – there should… Continue reading

MSC Smokestack

The MSC Smokestack which, according to the internet, is no longer there.  The power plant itself hadn’t been used since 1975.  MSC were the school’s initials when it was Michigan State College, after it had been MAC – Michigan Agricultural College and before it became MSU. Taken on the same… Continue reading