Today’s occurings, with a little depth

At work this morning I got a call from my Dad. No particular reason. He asked about my hand, and about the grant that Dr. Foss it working on, and we talked for a little while about these things. He then mentioned that he was clearing stuff out of the shop. Apparently, he is going to cease running his business there and rent out the space and building to another company.

For those who might care, my Dad has owned this business since before I existed, so this is quite the change. Now, my Dad is also not really the type who should be running his own business. That takes crazy amounts of motivation and savvy on the business side of things. This might also explain why even though I think it would be great to be my own boss one day, I will never to such on my own.

I am a little sad, but I also think it’s a very sound, financially intelligent decision on the part of my parents.

Second part of today. I come home after lunch to get my phone charger so I can call Sparrow about my bills. I get another bill for $2k from the surgeon himself. I was apparently naive enough to think this was already in the billing I had received.

I called the financial department, and it turns out that I get no medicaid assistance – no surprise there. So, I have no really good idea how I’m going to deal with this yet. I really just wish I didn’t have to.

Third bit. I got an email CC from Dr. Foss saying that the proposal, which I’m on and would get me real pay and insurance through the lab was not even in the running because of some technical error (declaring part of the document classified). Dr. Foss’ email was fairly long, and asked to have the error changed and the proposal considered. Long emails are not characteristic of Dr. Foss, so hopefully the entail some kind of magic. I shall retain hope, but this is certainly a blow.

I am very conflicted and confused about stuff right now. There are various things I just want to be over so I don’t have to deal with them any more.

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About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

2 Responses to Today’s occurings, with a little depth

  1. tlzita says:

    mmmmmmmmmm Matty.

  2. tlzita says:

    Being an adult sucks sometimes. But you will make it through fine. Or else you will become homeless which has its own fun.

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