
1. Is is just me, or does Shaq look like the stunt double for Shrek? I mean, some green paint and little twig ears and you couldn’t tell the difference from anything more than three feet away. I think after the Lakers loose, he’s going to go back to his swamp and talk to donkey about how ogres are like onions.

2. I still hate people in roundabouts. So many stupid people… That could be the single biggest downside to driving the Camaro, I don’t feel like the other guy is more adverse to getting hit than me, so I have to be more careful. The other downside to the Camaro is the inability to throw half my room in the back and go for the weekend.

3. Dishes have not been done here for at least 3 weeks. We are running out. I feel that I do at least my share of the kitchen cleaning if not more. Thus I am in no mood to go clean it now.

4. I got a cramp while riding my bike today. This is the second documented incident of a cramp during physical activity that I can recall in my lifetime. The other was in my calf while scuba diving – and that sucked. This one was just mildly uncomfortable – and made me apprehensive that it would get worse.

5. My room is a veritable shit hole, this is no one’s fault but my own, thus I must do something about it.

6. I want to ride my bike from my house to Riverside just because it’s somewhere I have gone on a very regular basis but I have never been there on my bike. Cedar also falls into this same group… hmmm…

7. I’m hungry.

8. When the pistons win, I think shall scour Josh’s room for a cigar and go celebrate and people watch down on Grand River. I shall not attempt to climb over the fence behind Beachwood Apartments because I have already lost two perfectly good pairs of jeans to that damned fence.

9. Speaking of Pistons, I kinda wish I had followed their season more. I know, fair weather fan, but when we’re winning is when it’s exciting. I guess isn’t not that I dislike the Pistons at other times, I just don’t care. The Tigers on the other hand could go undefeated and win the World Series and I still wouldn’t give a rats ass because it’s baseball and I hate baseball. Apologies to all who read this and likes the game.

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About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

2 Responses to Miscelaneous

  1. anonymous says:

    Did you really smoke a cigar? Do you find cigars less disgusting than you find cigarettes?

  2. surly_bastard says:

    No, there were no cigars to be found, so I just went and wandered for a while. Yes, I find cigars much less disgusting than cigarettes for several reasons.

    1. You don’t inhale
    2. It’s an occasional thing (~ one a month) vs. cigarettes are more a constant one an hour type thing.
    3. It’s not an addiction
    4. They’re not associated with the low life sack of shit types who gather around building doors when its negative 30 degrees out to have their smoke
    5. It’s more of a social thing – I’ve never had to ask if anyone minds if I smoke a cigar for fear of offending someone else in the group (as occurs with cigarettes), this would be on par with antisocial behavior. If everyone in the group smokes a cigar as celebration or whatnot this is social behavior.
    6. Health risks are much reduced mainly due to the lack of inhalation.

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