
Seems like everyone’s posting about 15 different things at once lately. Anyway, I wish I could see IP addresses on all livejournals, not just mine – I’m curious as to where (and thus who) some comments come from.

I went skiing the weekend, it was my first time skiing this year and was splendiferous. I went with a group of kayaking people. I skied for 10 hours Saturday and another 5 Sunday, on Monday most parts of my body were sore – it was great.

At the end of both days I decided to see how fast I could go. This is the kind of thing that gets you kicked off the hill, thus the delay until the end of the day. My fastest was down the front face of Boyne Mtn. during which I reached 64.9 mph according to the GPS in my backpack. I’d say this is pretty good for wearing a bulky coat and backpack. I did a couple more runs the second day at Nub’s but didn’t get quite as fast. I did however get to see my tracks down the hill (it’s fairly easy to pick out the only pair of parallel tracks down the entire hill) and noticed that they were somewhat broken which either means that I was not putting enough pressure on the snow to make a track or was completely off the ground for about 25% of the run.

In a few weeks, there is an expected trip to Searchmont which has more altitude. By then I will acquire my longer skis from home and possibly some more aerodynamic clothing and attempt to break the MJConk speed record. I also need some way to reliably secure my GPS w/o a backpack (pockets are questionable for reception)… I’ll give this some thought through the next few weeks…

There also might be a trip to Mt. Brighton this Saturday – if you see this and are interested let it be known.

Also, I am interested in purchasing a car top cargo box that can carry skis. If you know of a place where I could get one on the cheap, let me know.

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About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

5 Responses to Skiing

  1. tlzita says:

    Is that 64.9 mph total or 64.9 mph in the horizontal direction?

    It must be hard to stop when going that fast.

  2. anonymous says:

    With a group of kayaking people? You mean people from the lab? And I wasn’t invited? You are a bastard, regardless of surliness.

    Oh, thanks for finding my taus again tonight.

  3. anonymous says:

    Totally shouldn’t have replied to yours, my apologies.

  4. surly_bastard says:

    I think it’s total, I may sometime do the calculation to verify this… until then, I’m assuming total.

  5. surly_bastard says:

    A group of kayaking people means that people who run the kayak lessons… Tom and Connie rented a house up in Petosky or thereabouts. I think D, C and I took the last three spots.

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