I’m back.

Kayaking was fun. For the most part I was able to participate, although maybe in limited force. I took more of the fun / interesting classes rather than the classes for becoming a better bad ass. Last year I took as many of the strokes, bracing and rescue classes as possible. This year I shied away from the advanced rescues and towing and took some balance classes, a greenland paddle class, basic strokes, etc. The greenland paddling was fun and interesting but not convincing enough to have me giving up my current paddle.

The weather was beautiful, which also means bitchin’ hot. I got a little sun burn, but am safe for the most part.

I now have lots of pictures of random people in kayaks too!!!

The only part that I didn’t really participate in was the drinking and dance. I did go down to the social area for a short while, but as usual, I’m fine until someone tells me to dance, at which point I take that as my personal cue to leave. I didn’t feel much like drinking since I was largely dehydrated from the day, but apparently that ended in some nonsense that I probably am glad to have missed.

And apparently, by hearsay only, the 17 to 27 age difference is not too much to overcome for a quick weekend shag. :-/

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About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

3 Responses to WMCKA Recap

  1. anonymous says:

    Nonsense is a very good thing. THe opurtunities for group nonsense do not often arrive, and they should be embraced when they appear.


  2. surly_bastard says:

    Jumping in the water with several 40+ naked women is not an oportunity.

  3. anonymous says:

    WTF! You could have jumped into the water with several nakid women and you didn’t?

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