Computer & Internet Status

So, as you all know from your dedicated reading of my bullshit, I have internet via my neighbor. I have forgone the giant parabolic reflector around a d-link omni antenna in favor of a 5″ x 10″ double biquad. This gets me nearly 2x the signal strength of the parabolic and was settled on after I confirmed that the design did not require a balun transformer.

The only problem with my current setup is that I’m using a router as a wireless card for my desktop. Not ideal and it won’t DHCP the address, and thus won’t automatically find the DNS. I might try to go to wired if I can find a way to string it. Otherwise, I might end up getting a desktop wifi adapter.

My tests have shown that my link to my neighbor is better than his link to Comcast. I’m impressed with myself. I am not impressed with Comcast, and postulate that our internet would be of the same quality if we purchased it from them. Solution – maybe look for a better connected person (across the river???). This will likely happen when and if I can get my hands on a used Primestar dish. So, if you know of any, send them my way. If I build something cool, I’ll post awesome pictures of me smiling beside it.

Linked to the internet discoveries, I now have my desktop at home. This has several effects, First, I will no longer be able to get IM messages at work this ought be good for productivity even if I wasn’t exactly sitting on IM a lot. Secondly, it will keep me from chillin’ at work until midnight sometimes. Also good because it defines the break between work time and Matt time. Third, hopefully it encourages me to get one with job searching and such.

Now for more even oriented news and less about my computer situation:

COGS bowling tonight: success I’d say. It was fun. Enough beer, pizza and bowling were attained to make it worth the $5 and gas.

Casino Royale afterward: not a success. Because the 10:40 was sold out and the 12:00 apparently didn’t exist. I also find it shady that Jill, who apparently suggested the movie, wasn’t going.

Tomorrow: potential pool time in Grandville MI. If Doug wants to make the trip. I’m not sure it’s worth the gas to go on my own. Also have to rake leaves if it’s dry enough. Joy.

Room: clean and tidy once again.

Time: 4 AM – why am I awake?

Other: who knows, it’s not like adding more stuff here is going to make this post exciting.

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About norconkm

I'm a person. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as an Electrical Engineer. My hobbies at the time of this writing are kayaking, skiing, archery, photography and maybe biking. As this is my personal blog, my hobbies are likely the primary topics about which you will be reading.

One Response to Computer & Internet Status

  1. lemonslush says:

    Eh, well, it was entertaining enough at 6:45 a.m. :-p Maybe not the value you were shooting for, but it’s something.

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